Digital Citizenship
The internet is a fun place, but it can be a dangerous place as well.
Internet safety
What should students do to be safe when using email and the Internet?
5 Safety tips for kids
Basic Internet Safety
Children have access to many great and
wonderful resources through the use of the Internet. They gain knowledge and can express
their creativity in ways never thought possible. They have access to people and cultures all
over the world; however, there are also
potential risks with this inavaluable resource.
Some risks include cyber-bullying, online predators, exposure to inappropriate material, and revealing of personal information. There for we must teach users to be SMART!
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Internet and Email Safety
Internet Safety Tips
It is essential for parents, teachers, and government to learn these risks and safeguard children from potential negative impacts. Below is a suggested list of steps for Internet safety:
Keep the computer located in a busy part of your home
Set limits and monitor which sites children may visit and for how long.
Don't forget to monitor cell phones, gaming devices, and laptops.
Spend time online with your child and let them show you sites the like to visit.
Set guidelines for social networking including messaging, email, gaming and webcams. Know who your child is connecting with online.
Talk with your children routinely about online safety.
Email Safety
Communication is essential to the development of almost everything. People use various channels of communication, especially in today's society! We use everything from mail, phone calls, text messages, and email. Email has truly developed over the years, making it one of the more primary ways of communicating in professional and school setting; therefore, we must become more cognitive and protective of our email!
Email and Internet Safety Look Fors
To stay safe using both email and the internet, it is best to refrain from accessing unfamiliar sites. Many sites can collect your information at the click of a button or download. There are limited laws centered around internet usage, so individuals can easily access personal information if one is not careful. That's why it is important to frequently change your email and other account passwords, in addition to avoiding pop-ups, catchy adds, and other gimmicks on the internet. ​
Student and Business Emails
Student and business emails are extremely important and must be used with great caution because they are a representation of the company and/or organization. The passwords to these emails must be changed regularly. Also, the use of the emails are regularly monitored and individuals are to adhere to the policies regarding both computer and email usage.
Videos Links to Learn More
Education. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2018, from
NetSmartz Workshop for Missing and Exploited Children. Tip Sheets. (2018). Retrieved Jan. 28, 2018 from
Internet Safety Tips for Kids. Safe Search Kids. Retrieved Jan. 28, 2018 from