Digital Citizenship
Let's Talk About Netiquette
Think before you write, because once it is sent or posted it is out of your hands.
Be polite. Use the same behaviors you would use in real life.
Be careful using all CAPS. Although it is used often to emphasize a point, it is also considered SHOUTING in the virtual world. There are other ways to emphasize a point, for example you can use asterisks *, _underscore, (parenthesis), underline or highlight.
Try not to use any acronyms that the person you are communicating with would not understand YKWIM (You know what I mean). LOL (Laughing out Loud).
Never assume that your email is completely private. So, try not to send anything you would not want to be shared in public.
Remember that your body language, tone of voice or facial expression cannot precisely be detected via email or text, so try using emoticons (emoji) to relay your message. This will help display the proper emotion you are feeling. For example, send a smiley face with your message.
Netiquette in the Workplace
Many social media companies either have or are developing social networking and cyber bullying policies. You may be familiar with some of Facebook’s policies. These companies have these policies in place, so they can address any incidents that may happen on their site. Most social media companies provide their users with tools they can use to report inappropriate usage of their site. Cyber bullying can take place on social sites, through cell phone text messages and emails. Cyber bullies post embarrassing pics of people, leave ugly messages on people’s pages, and send threatening emails. Cyber bulling creates a psychological problem that can be carried in to the real world and can cause people severe depression, self-harm and even suicide.
Here are some basic Netiquette rules to be mindful of when communicating on a social site, via e-mail or simply sending a text message.
People all over the world are doing it! What is it they are doing? They are Networking. Networking is the act of interacting with other people to create a relationship and share beneficial information. There are multiple ways to network. It is done via e-mail, text messaging from a cell phone, or messaging and conversing on a social network. There is a proper way to Network and communicate online. It is called using Netiquette, which is a word that is derived from combining the words network and etiquette. Just like there are etiquette rules for eating at the dinner table, for example, don’t talk with your mouth full or no elbows on the table, there are etiquette rules for the virtual world as well. Here are some basic Netiquette rules to be mindful of when communicating on a social site, via e-mail or simply sending a text message.
Turville, J. (2001). Netiquette for educators. ATA Magazine, , 52-55. Retrieved from
Milosevic, T. (2016). Social Media Companies' Cyberbullying Policies. International Journal Of Communication, 10, 22. Retrieved from
Cyber Bullying & Other Social Bullies. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2018, from